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![]() | NATIONAL XENOPHOBIC Rupert Murdoch's first move since buying the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC was to establish the sister station NATIONAL XENOPHOBIC so that Rupert may enlighten the world with the insights and wisdom that allowed him to accumulate his obscenely disproportionate mountain of wealth and influence. |
![]() | SONS OF THE HARPER - PAPERBACK ATTACK In yet another GAME OF THRONES spinoff the largest paperback book publisher in the seven kingdoms launches a smear attack against the queen and the adulation she receives from her subjects who love her devotedly. The Harper played by Rupert Murdoch orders his masked mercenary army to illicitly distribute a new inflammatory paperback based on false charges and smears and lacking any shred of credible evidence. |
![]() | MY WOMAN IS A MAN When you've had it all and done it all new experiences are hard to come by and yet they are what keeps life from being a mindless boring repetition on a circular treadmill for a hamster-like human being. Now imagine if you had accumulated a $140 billion empire and owned a multitude of gilded palaces and exotic private islands. Imagine you had bedded, dated, married and divorced beauty queens, movie stars and fabulously wealthy royalty from all around the globe in every ethnicity, body type, personality type and zodiac sign. This FOX WHITE film is a penetrating look at the psyche of one such man and how he came to find a new experience and a deeper love that had somehow avoided him for 92 years. |
![]() | MURDOCH, SHE WROTE This new FOX WHITE CHANNEL series is a fascinating trip back into 1950's Australia and centers on a certain wildish Aussie woman from Wagga Wagga New South Wales who moves to the Melbourne Gold Coast and writes serialized mystery novels for the newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch's father. Young Rupert's obsessive and masturbation and voyeurism becomes the result of the peculiar habit the prolific author Auntie Jessica Murdoch had of lounging about seductively in lingerie whenever she needed a story published. |
![]() | REAL LIFE HOLLYWOOD This is the reality show you've been waiting for. With an ego and influence the size of Jupiter Rupert Murdoch became accustomed to cameras following him everywhere so naturally he's found a way to profit from what would be an inconvenience to others. Everybody who watches television is likely to find this reality show fascinating as these characters routinely discuss billion dollar deals the way Kardashians discuss lip gloss. What this addictive new show reveals is that in Hollywood fantasy and real life are frequently the exact same thing. |
![]() | THE BILLIONAIRE BACHELOR Rupert Murdoch is the most eligible bachelor in the world and in this new reality TV show his female employee contestants fuss all over him like he's the world's most lovable Teddy Bear. That's the last thing he is but everybody who works for Murdoch is intentionally overpaid to the point that they will do absolutely anything to keep their job. Rupert wants all his employees to know for certain that they are overpaid whores and they damn well better do exactly what he says when he says it and that includes acting like Murdoch is the love of their life and they damn well better gush like Bellagio fountains when the camera is on. Anyway these ladies have $100 billion additional reasons to turn on the charms as that is a conservative estimate of the billionaire's current net worth and that provides all the motivation these actress/newsladies need to attempt to turn a sour 84 year old impotent curmudgeon into a purring tom kitty smitten with his new kitten bride. |
![]() | MONUMENTS MEN is the biggest budget film ever produced. The stars each pocketed $100-150 million dollars before production wrapped. Absolutely no expense was spared as enormous granite monuments were erected on formerly public land all across red state America. The script is mostly an all out assault of well worn Republican talking points attempting to glorify as virtuous a litany of unpopular political positions. But neither that or the cast of 80+ year-olds very stiff acting is too much a bother to enjoy the wondrous beauty of former public lands before they were transformed into Republicans only travel destinations with members only RV services. |
![]() | THE FOX OF WALL STREET starring and directed by Rupert Murdoch is a self-congratulatory autobiographical movie that is a fascinating revolting, outlandish, depressing and exhausting look at the very very long life of Australian born media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch hammers home the point that the Wolf of Wall Street was a relative piker who ended up broke and went to prison and who was absolutely no comparison to the clever Fox of Wall Street who became a mega billionaire and controls a worldwide media empire larger than all others. The weakness of the film is obvious when by all accounts the billionaire bachelor's romantic scenes are truly revolting. |
![]() | The new FOX LEMON CHANNEL movie RUPERT MURDOCH'S WHORE ON CHRISTMAS - A BILLIONAIRE BACHELOR'S CELEBRATION starts out as the result of a late night cocktail party at the musty Playboy mansion with Hugh Hefner and a gang of divorced Hollywood old timers banging down the booze when they hit upon the idea of getting the whole gang together and taking Murdoch's new playmate Sarah Palin to a Las Vegas hotel suite to celebrate Christmas old style. To keep the action fast paced Glenn Rice and the Harlem Globetrotters who happen to be in Vegas join the party at Sarah's request. |
![]() | STAR WORMS - RUPPA THE SLUGG is a science fiction take on a future with an omnimedia controlling all human thought similar to what Rupert Murdoch has created in the present at FOX News. Humans have proven willing and eager to relax and turn all thought and mental processes over to Omnivision 4D. For entertainment purposes it is out-of-body crazy fun but this movie also illustrates troubling consequences. |
![]() | McGRUFF in WILL WORK FOR BISQUITS features McGruff as one very angry crime dog. McGruff was furloughed because the Tea Party Republican government shutdown. With time on his paws McGruff sniffed out the paper trail until he came to the realization that the Tea Party was an invention of one billionaire who provided $1 billion dollars in on air promotion of lies and damned lies. Just as in Australia and previously in the U.K one particularly evil billionaire has successfully conspired to bring down the government and a frustrated crime dog McGruff is near his barking point. |
Murdoch Expose Out For Summer! An insider's look at a billionaire media mogul's limousine lifestyle. The story of an angry Australian lad who inherited a newspaper that he parlayed into a fortune after a lifetime of dirty dealing. He turns into an angry 80 year old with a sexy Asian wife he wants to divorce and is diagnosed with factual dysfunction syndrome. But he still has his loyal toady Roger Ailes to cater to his every whim. June 4, 2013. Summer Movie Pre-Cog News |
Billionaire Buys All Assets Of Several World Religions! Church leaders receive signing bonuses for future appearances on FOX Religion Channel. Rupert Murdoch controls a $700 billion business empire of entertainment, publishing and broadcasting and his propaganda controls the minds of as many as one billion people daily. He owns thousands of entities around the globe and in America including FOX News, the Republican Party, The Wall Street Journal, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove and Sean Hannity. Negotiations and details were kept secret so it is not known if the Mormon faith was among the multiple religions purchased in the first deal of its kind ever. July 1, 2012. My FOX Religion |
$Billion Dollar Boob$! Billionaires double down on massively oversized political influence in perversion of democracy! Billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has already invested at least $30 million of casino profits from the same Macau casinos that Chinese government officials have accused of having ties to organized crime. Rupert Murdoch has more than $30 billion dollars and uses his FOX NEWS propaganda empire as a non-stop GOP infomercial for the sole benefit of Rupert Murdoch and his NewsCorp. who rake in enormous profits by misinforming and manipulating the gullible American public on an Orwellian scale. June 17, 2012. Macau Billionaire News Ltd. |
"Not Fit" In UK "Perfect Fit" At FOX "Willful Blindness" replaces FOX NEWS "Fair and Balanced" motto. Australian-born gossip publisher and NewsCorp media mogul Rupert Murdoch also owns the Wall Street Journal and employs Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin and Karl Rove in his endless efforts to bully, tear down and drag America into some nightmare version of an ultra conservative hell hole. "Not A Fit Person" Murdoch owns the GOP propaganda machine and insults the intelligence of all Americans while making ball-licking lap dogs of GOP politicians. May 3, 2012 read more |
Rupert Murdoch Is Number One! Most destructive naturalized citizen in U.S. history! Even worse than Benedict Arnold who originally was an American Revolutionary war hero, mega billionaire Rupert Murdoch is an Australian born traitor who has severely damaged the quality of life for hundreds of millions of Americans and been the catalyst for thousands of acts of violence and possibly billions of acts of rudeness, racism and bullying. Growing up in racist Australia, Rupert Murdoch, 82, ABSOLUTELY IS NOT A PRODUCT OF AMERICAN VALUES but this despicable human being has forced his mean spirited, sleazy, nasty, selfish, belligerent, dishonest, racist, greedy, arrogant, petty, vindictive, ignorant temperament on the entire American public. His newspaper editorial boards from the Wall Street Journal on down write opinions solely for the amusement of their employer, Rupert Murdoch. Rupert Murdoch owns far more local television stations than anybody else and ALL of those local newscasters create opinionated news reporting solely for the amusement of their employer, Rupert Murdoch. FOX cable news is the property of Rupert Murdoch and every single person associated with their deliberate creation of conflict, rudeness, racism and vicious hatred was or still is employed for the sole purpose of amusing Rupert Murdoch. The man is evil. His empire is evil. His employees are evil. Rupert Murdoch is without doubt the biggest traitor in United States history. However, don't expect to see this story on television as he also owns the History Channel where history is currently being rewritten solely for the amusement of Rupert Murdoch. November 5, 2012. America's Biggest Villains |
NEWSFUX.COM Is The NEW HOT TICKET! Celebrity bikini sites all the rage with octogenarians! Mega billionaire Rupert Murdoch owns more than 1000 newspapers, magazines, broadcast and cable television stations worldwide and every single entity has a web site with a link to photos of celebrities in bikinis. Murdoch has an extreme obsession with celebrity bikini pics and credits his unmatched media domination and incredible success to the invention of the bikini bathing suit. Research shows 4 out of 5 media experts and psychologists believe that people want sex with celebrities in bikinis. April 7, 2013. NewsFux.com |
Biggest U.S Story Happening In U.K. Godfather of American conservative media in hot water. Rupert Murdoch's employees continue to be arrested for corruption and phone hacking in an investigation that grows bigger every day. If the scandal crosses the pond, FOX NEWS may need to dilute it's anti-Obama, anti-government message. Murdoch's personal survival may require he snuggle up to the status quo. He may even embrace Obama in the event of a landslide re-election victory. The closer the scandal comes to America, the bigger the danger to Murdoch personally and the more FOX NEWS will sound like it's turning Joe Biden Democrat. February 16, 2012. World Illuminati Report |
Secret Document Released! Illuminati secret society sends RNC cryptic recipe for 2012 victory. Despite owning half of the world's news media and publishing, the centuries-old secret society known as the Illuminati still prefers an ancient printing process using arsenic and lambs blood for their dispatches. The GOP is expected to follow the receipe down to the last entrails, feather and gopher paw. October 7, 2010. RNC Special Insider Edition ![]() |
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