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Marco's Wish Might Come True! Lord Romney may select Bush family protege for VP role! Marco Rubio of Florida is also known as the "Little Brown Bush" because he is entirely the political creation of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Marco Rubio for Vice President is the same as putting another Bush on the Presidential ticket and that delights the New World Order crowd of filthy rich billionaires who never tire of getting exactly what they want. Like Pinocchio, Marco Rubio is one small wood-colored boy who wished to his lucky stars for his dream to become a real Bush family member and those wishes may yet come true. May 31, 2012. Make-A-Wish Monthly |
Mitt Romney Has A Birther Defect! Lord Romney afraid to go under the knife and remove cancerous talking tumor! Lord Mitt Romney is paralyzed with fear at the thought of offending or angering his lecherous alter ego and malignant billionaire sidekick and fundraiser. Trump continues to rant about Obama's birth certificate despite sounding ridiculous. Trump also said Anne Romney has a nice butt and a great pair of legs while looking down her blouse and pressing his face against her blonde hair. May 29, 2012. CONS.com |
Remember This On Memorial Day! Mitt Romney was a draft dodging coward! Romney evaded the draft by spending 30 months during the middle of the Vietnam war bicycling around France enjoying croissants and sleeping in a palatial Mormon-owned mansion in Paris with stained glass windows, chandeliers, an extensive art collection, a chef and a personal servant. It is unknown how many Mormons Mitt made but Mitt can now order fine food in perfect French while professing his great patriotism and love of the same American military he fled to France from in order to avoid military service. A blatant coward and extreme hypocrite, Mitt Romney did not return from France until it was certain he would not be drafted into military service. May 28, 2012. Le French Gourmet Gazetteer |
FOX News Names Lord Romney American Idol! Official GOP propaganda and utter bullshit network embraces Rupert Murdoch's new bitch. Lord Romney can't sing but he can tell bald faced lies as fast and as frequently as any FOX news personality and that pleases billionaires who maintain their power by keeping voters ignorant, making them red hot angry and then misdirecting their rage for the benefit and amusement of those same billionaires. Rupert Murdoch can't stop laughing about how goddam stupid television viewers are and he never tires of manipulating their little tiny brains in accordance with any whim that crosses his sick mind. All FOX news personalities and contributors owe their careers and paychecks to their ability to tell endless lies that boost ratings and amuse Rupert Murdoch. Lord Mitt Romney cannot get elected without the massive help of FOX news which further delights Murdoch to no end. May 26, 2012. Fox Fabulous Fables |
Romney Trained Other Dogs! Dog groomer claims Romney is serial bad habit dog trainer. Romney has said all along that dogs seem to enjoy riding on the roofs of moving vehicles. Now with these new revelations that there were several more dogs nobody is certain how many of Mitt Romney's dogs have gone airborne on the Interstate. A confidential unsigned affidavit from an anonymous dog groomer says she's never seen a family go through so many dogs. May 21, 2012. Daily Dog Groomer |
Romney "Can't Recall" Leading Gay Bashing Assault! Five witnesses verified that 18 year-old Romney was a homophobic bully who led a group of prep school thugs in forcibly holding down one student with dyed blond hair and hacking his hair off with scissors. The student was suspected of being gay. The incident would be prosecuted as a felony assault and battery if it occurred today but Lord Mitt Romney now laughs about it saying the he "can't recall" that assault and besides he was young and so he "apologized" if while 18 year-old men his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam he was a spoiled filthy rich bully boy involved in a few "stupid pranks" that are now considered felonies. May 20, 2012. read more |
Michele Bachmann Mitt Romney Haley Barbour pardoned Mitt Romney John Boehner endorsed Mitt Romney Mike Bloomberg John Bolton endorsed Mitt Romney Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich Eric Cantor endorsed Mitt Romney Chris Christie endorsed Mitt Romney Mitch Daniels endorsed Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich endorsed Mitt Romney Mike Huckabee |
Jon Huntsman endorsed Mitt Romney Bobby Jindal endorsed Rick Perry Gary Johnson endorsed Ron Paul Rush Limbaugh John McCain endorsed Mitt Romney Mitch McConnell endorsed Mitt Romney Grover Norquist President Barack Obama Sarah Palin endorsed Newt Gingrich Tim Pawlenty endorsed Mitt Romney Rand Paul endorsed Ron Paul |
Ron Paul Mike Pence endorsed Mitt Romney Rick Perry endorsed Newt Gingrich Harry Reid endorsed President Obama Mitt Romney Marco Rubio endorsed Mitt Romney Paul Ryan endorsed Mitt Romney Rick Santorum endorsed Mitt Romney John Thune endorsed Mitt Romney Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney U.S.Supreme Court |
![]() DAILY RACING RAG EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORTS! If everybody else had these exclusive special reports they wouldn't be exclusive or special. |
INTERNET FAIRNESS/BIAS ALERT: The Daily Racing Rag considers almost all Republican politicians, their celebrity endorsers and FOX NEWS personalities to be evil mercenary America-hating greedy scumbags and belligerent compulsive liars who are destroying America and will rightfully burn in hell if God is watching television. |
The Daily Racing Rag encourages YOU to make free use of the images on this web site to promote the defeat of Lord Mitt Romney and all other Republican office seekers. |
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"Not Fit" In UK "Perfect Fit" At FOX "Willful Blindness" replaces FOX NEWS "Fair and Balanced" motto. Australian-born gossip publisher and NewsCorp media mogul Rupert Murdoch also owns the Wall Street Journal and employs Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin and Karl Rove in his endless efforts to bully, tear down and drag America into some nightmare version of an ultra conservative hell hole. "Not A Fit Person" Murdoch owns the GOP propaganda machine and insults the intelligence of all Americans while making ball-licking lap dogs of GOP politicians. May 3, 2012 read more |
Lord Mitt Romney says "Of Course" He'd Have Freed The Slaves! "Even Jimmy Carter would have done that." In a startling spasm of hubris Lord Mitt Romney continued his presumptuous delusional self-aggrandizement saying "Of Course" he'd have made the decision to go get Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and added "Of Course" he'd have won World War I, ended the Great Depression and dropped the bomb to end World War II. And finally with his best Reaganesque head turn and smile, "Of Course" he'd have told those Russians to tear down that wall. May 1, 2012 Mormon Gardens read more |
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