Santorum Rallies Slobs Against Snobs! Says large families of high school dropouts insulted by thought that college would have been helpful. Santorum is playing the fat family card, the redneck white trash card, the blue collar envy card, and the indignant Catholic card in a bizarre rule-breaking strategy to beat Michigan born Mitt Romney in Michigan. The Santorum campaign is almost fearless as they soar over the top with outrageous crazy talk and underdog tactics trying to not only win Michigan but bleed the once flush Romney campaign treasury dry. February 28, 2012. Sal's Hot Tub Blog |
Commander n' Chef! Romney has been ordering chefs around ever since he dodged the Vietnam War to live in Paris with a chef and personal servant. Romney spent 30 months during the Vietnam war bicycling around France enjoying croissants and sleeping in a palatial Mormon-owned mansion in Paris with stained glass windows, chandeliers, an extensive art collection, a chef and a personal servant. It is unknown how many Mormons Mitt made but Mitt can now order fine food in perfect French while professing his great patriotism and love of the same American military he fled to France from in order to avoid military service. February 24, 2012. Le French Gourmet Gazetteer |
Tea Party Moses Sent Women Back! Dissenters accused real Moses of phony theology
The tea-drinking al-Santorum sect thought Moses coddled women by not demanding absolute obedience 100% of the time. Tea Party Moses, as he was known, had heated confrontations for months in the desert wilderness with the real Moses until he finally led a small sect away and back in the direction of the Pharaoh. The women in the dissident sect tried their best to obey and please the al-Santorum men but in the scorching heat of the Egyptian sun it was impossible. When the group finally reached the Red Sea, Tea Party Moses sold the women into slavery and they were returned to the Pharaoh. The group then moved on and established an all-male community that eventually disappeared due to the lack of progeny. February 22, 2012. Bible Believe-it-or-Not |
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Boston, We've Got A Problem! Federal Fashion Marshall issues hairdo disaster warning in Massachusetts The FFM issued the Orchid Alert after numerous complaints. The issue of Elizabeth Warren's unpopular hairdo crossed the threshold of inequality and unfairness when photos revealed that even Scott Brown looks better than she does in her signature hair do. Petitions with signatures from hair stylists all across Massachusetts volunteering their services have been delivered to the Warren campaign headquarters. February 18, 2012. Federal Fashion Register |
Ron Paul Takes The High Road! The cause of liberty and personal freedom towers above the ego-fueled politics of destruction. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are all about Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. They bend the ideas and values written into the Constitution anyway the wind is blowing so long as it's good for their campaigns of raw ambition and greed. Ron Paul may not win the Republican nomination but he will emerge from the contest with his integrity and he will still be promoting liberty, freedom and adherence to the Constitution. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich will continue to say absolutely anything including lie after lie after lie in order to promote their personal grandiose ambitions but no matter who wins they are already coated with an indelible layer of slime. Participation in this year's Republican primaries has been far less than in 2008 reflecting voter revulsion at the two sleazeball frontrunners. February 6, 2012. Rocky Mountain High Times |
Gingrich Family Says It's All Good! Newt promises to dramatically increase
number of blondes in the White House. The talk of the town is that Newt's wife number two (far left in
photo) told ABC news that Newt asked for an open marriage and that wife number three (second from left in photo) who was at the time Newt's mistress of six
years, was okay with the idea of a hot three-way blonde bomb. Newt suggested it would have been the ideal logistical arrangement since, because of his big love
for America, he was spending so much of his time stuck in Washington D.C. pursuing a partisan impeachment trial of President Clinton. Wife number two who was
Newt's mistress during his marriage to wife number one (far right in photo) said no at the time but may be reconsidering because even though she also said Newt
was not fit to be President and six years of a cheating lying bastard and his gold-digging home-wrecking mistress in your face could make one bitter... winning
does work wonders and Newt has forgiven himself so if wife number two can find forgiveness for Newt she may also find a guest bedroom in the White House. January 21, 2012. Gingrich E-Soap Digest |
Evangelicals Anoint Santorum! Conservative Evangelical Christian leaders gathered in the Texas wilderness to select the one true Republican savior and settled for Rick Santorum. Evangelical leaders meeting over the weekend have circled their prayer wagons around Rick Santorum who surprisingly received an overwhelming majority after only two ballots. Rick Santorum is now the official right-wing church sanctioned anti-Romney Republican candidate. Church leaders felt Santorum's two-fer of well documented hatred for gays and lesbians and his promise to start an unauthorized war with Iran and slaughter thousands of Iranians best demonstrated the Texas gathering's understanding of Christianity and their deep belief in the the King Of Peace, Jesus Christ. January 17, 2012. Texas Land O'God News |
![]() DAILY RACING RAG EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORTS! If everybody else had these exclusive special reports they wouldn't be exclusive or special. |
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