Editor Explains Romney Cover Choice! We had three good choices so we flipped a
coin. Willard Mitt Romney appears on the cover of Newsweek magazine this week with the unflattering description of Romney as a wimp. But it could have been worse. The article could have been about his embarrassing overseas trip to England, Israel, Poland and the Cayman Islands. July 30, 2012. NewsMonth Daily |
Romney Meets With Polish Sausage In Warsaw! The mustard's been flying ever since Romney went on his international tour so it was a fitting end to the trip. It's unknown if the six day trip changed any American voters minds but it's hard to imagine how Romney's blundering incompetence and innate creepiness won anybody over. July 31, 2012. Travel Disasters |
Romney Stuffs Wad In Wall, Insults Palestinians! Mormon mensch Mitt Romney says the Jewish capital belongs in Jerusalem and Mormon capital belongs in Washington. Romney then checked off several stops on his full color Israeli tour brochure and added he was all for Israel bombing the shit out of Iran for any reason Israel wanted. Then an apparently clueless Romney said something ridiculous about the Jewish culture being superior to the Palestinian culture and the Jews having more money proves it. High ranking Palestinian diplomats went beserk and called Romney's words insulting and racist. July 29, 2012. News For Jews |
Mitt Belittled in Britain! Brits in a pique over Mitt's critique! Mitt Romney has already won the gold medal for gaffes by first criticizing as "disconcerting" London's preparation for the Olympics and then profusely apologizing after the Prime Minister slapped him down in a public rebuke. Romney then met the leader of the opposition party but forgot his name. The British press is calling Romney a "wannabe" and going wild with headlines like "Mitt Hits The Fan!". July 28, 2012. Olympic Bloopers Blog |
Romney Dodges Tax Questions By Fleeing Country! Lord Romney departs on six day trip to visit his worldwide tax shelter investments. Lord Mitt Romney and Bain have investments all over the world and many offshore accounts in tax haven countries for the sole purpose of paying no U.S. income taxes. Romney is also on a handshake and photo opportunity tour of foreign government officials because he has no diplomatic experience except for gutting American labor contracts, closing down factories and sending those jobs overseas after siphoning company profits and depositing the looted money or "dividends" in secret offshore bank accounts. READ MORE July 24, 2012. Romney World Class Asset Report |
Latest Tax Cheat Prison Poll! Romney favored by federal inmates convicted under Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. A new poll shows Mitt Romney ahead among prisoners convicted of federal crimes associated with Wall Street hedge funds, stock fraud, mortgage fraud, consumer fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud and tax evasion using offshore accounts. Only a small number of those polled will be out of prison in time to assist with the Romney campaign. July 27, 2012. Prison Poll Monthly |
Mitt Booed In Boston! Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney trails President Obama by 21 points in Massachusetts after sloppy play and errors. New polls show Romney losing the Presidential election in his home state of Massachusetts by an average of 21 percentage points. No President in history has ever been elected while losing his home state by such a large margin. The Romney campaign says Mitt Romney has several other home states and hopes to win in most of them. July 22, 2012. Historical Facts Of Failure |
Romney Tries To Muzzle Attacks On Bain! Bain may be the bane of the Romney campaign. Lord Mitt Romney and Bain have many offshore bank accounts in tax haven countries for the sole purpose of paying no U.S. income taxes. Hundreds of accountants and auditor's are fighting for the chance to go over Romney's tax returns if only he would release them. Romney has refused to release more than one complete year (2010) and nothing so far for 2011 or any other year. Some zealous CPA's guarantee the discovery of shady tax strategies and deductions and possibly other serious smoking guns and discrepancies. Otherwise, why not release complete tax returns like every other contender for President in the last 50 years? Millions of Americans think Romney is hiding something damaging and can't be trusted. July 20, 2012. CPA Blockbuster News |
Uncle Sam Working Cheap In China! Mitt Romney invested millions of dollars in a
Chinese manufacturing company that was set up to steal American jobs. Romney is a pioneer in outsourcing
jobs and even had the Salt Lake City Olympics uniforms made in China. His current attacks against China "stealing" our jobs is pure hypocrisy coming from the
mouth of a pathetic excuse of an American Presidential candidate. Economists say Romney's published economic plan of corporate welfare including not taxing
American corporation's foreign profits will encourage the creation of at least 800,000 jobs overseas and zero jobs in America. Mitt Romney is not the solution,
Mitt Romney is the problem.READ
MORE July 16, 2012. God Bless America News |
Mitt Romney and Bain Capital ARE ONE AND THE SAME! Romney Lied About Investments In Fetus Disposal Company! Romney owned 100% of all Bain Capital shares, was Bain Capital CEO and Bain Capital Chairman and was paid (by himself) in excess of $100,000 per year as a salaried executive until 2002. Both Mitt Romney and the new partial owners (Romney's pals) of Bain Capital since 2002 falsely said Romney had nothing to do with this $75 million deal and the notorious steel plant deal and multiple Chinese manufacturing company deals but Romney was an active participant and signatory of all documents, CEO, Chairman and 100% owner of Bain Capital. Just 10 years ago serial vulture capitalist Mitt Romney was cashing in on his and Bain Capital's $75 million investment into Stericycle, a company that has been repeatedly attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Lord Romney is already a proven world class hypocrite and liar but this story has been submitted for a new world record in the category of blatant hypocrisy. Talk about nerve. Here's a phony conservative Republican presidential candidate continually pandering to right-wing anti-abortion pro-lifers all the while he actually made millions of dollars in the fetus disposal business as recently as 2002. Would anyone be surprised if human Soylent Green is already another third world moneymaker in the Romney/Bain Capital global investment portfolio? READ MORE July 12, 2012. Mega Mendacity Monthly |
Note To Ann Romney: Character assassination of a pioneer of vulture capitalism and American job outsourcing is not possible due to the lack of human decency or American patriotism requisite of an American job outsourcing vulture capitalist. |
Note To All Working People: After Mitt Romney bought GST Steel he fired all employees and using immoral legal loopholes left the Federal government on the hook for more than $40 million in guaranteed pension payments. Romney then sold all company assets and made more than $40 million dollars in profit that ended up in overseas tax-free havens where Mitt Romney still controls hundreds of millions of dollars. Character assassination of a pioneer of vulture capitalism is not possible. |
Mitt Romney A Pioneer Of Offshore Tax Beating Strategies! Foreign tax haven laws allow no way to determine if Romney's offshore tax avoidance strategies were legal or a tax evasion rip-off of American taxpayers. What is known for certain is that Lord Mitt Romney has many offshore accounts in tax haven countries for the sole purpose of paying no U.S. income taxes. No wonder Lord Mitt Romney continues to keep his tax returns secret. He could have avoided paying taxes all together for many years using the exact strategies he pioneered. July 11, 2012. Greedy Bastard Travel News |
Remember This On The Fourth Of July! Mitt Romney made hundreds of millions of dollars betting AGAINST the American dollar and AGAINST the American worker. Romney's allegiance is to Money and Mormons with America and the American people distant also rans. Romney was a draft dodger who evaded any military service by fleeing to France in the middle of a war to peddle a religious cult to French schoolgirls. Proud father Romney has five grown sons who felt no call or obligation to serve in America's military either. That and a Mormons-only barbeque is what the Romney family calls patriotism on July 4th. Mitt Romney doesn't even keep his money in America and could have as much as a billion dollars secretly stashed and Americans would never find out about it. The latest estimates of Romney's wealth at well over a quarter of a billion dollars could be just a fraction of the treasure he has outside America but no one can verify the values of Romney's offshore accounts and other worldwide assets not accounted for. Romney still hasn't filed his income tax returns for 2011. July 4, 2012. God Bless America News |
Romney Paddles Along With Bush As His Guide! The same advisors who failed President George W. Bush have Mitt Romney following the same billionaire tax cut map that Bush followed to plunge America into a cataclysmic financial abyss. George W. Bush took power and immediately squandered a Clinton era budget surplus but he went much further down the same exact river Mitt Romney wants to paddle down again. A childlike Bush before and now a heedless Lord Romney believe the river of greed comfortably pushing them along will be under their control as long as they get elected to hold the paddle. July 3, 2012. Outdoor Politics Weekly |
Lord Romney's Latino Speech No Bueno! Romney seems confused by President Obama's bold action and his own multiple conflicting previous positions! Lord Mitt Romney had nothing to say that convinced anybody in attendance that a Romney Presidency would benefit Latino families in any way. Romney refused to back off his promise to veto the Dream Act which is what President Obama partially enacted by executive order because the GOP House blocked passage of the popular legislation. The banquet food served before the speech was delicious and by far the highlight of the event. June 26, 2012. Latino Reporto! |
Mitch McConnell Sucks Kochs For Cash! GOP plans $1 billion dollar ad war against President Obama! GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is the go-to guy for billionaire wish lists in Congress and he demands plenty in return for his contemptible betrayal of the American people. His bloodlust for campaign cash is both legendary and the principal reason he remains in power despite possessing an overwhelming personal ick factor that even his home state constituents do not deny. June 24, 2012. Vampire Union Online |
College Pals Say Mitt Was A Police Impersonator! "He really kinda creeped us all out!" Young Mitt Romney's favorite college prank besides gay bashing haircuts was putting on a Michigan State Trooper's uniform, mounting his own red flashing light on top of his white Rambler and then pulling drivers over while pretending to be a police officer. Today that would be considered a serious felony but to a wealthy college student prankster like Mitt Romney it was all great fun even though it seriously creeped out everybody who knew about Mitt's "pranks". Mitt was pretending to be a cop and supporting the Vietnam war all the time he was evading the Vietnam era draft. with a missionary trip to France and four college deferments. June 9, 2012. Romney Flashback News Weekly |
Marco's Wish Might Come True! Lord Romney may select Bush family protege for VP role! Marco Rubio of Florida is also known as the "Little Brown Bush" because he is entirely the political creation of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Marco Rubio for Vice President is the same as putting another Bush on the Presidential ticket and that delights the New World Order crowd of filthy rich billionaires who never tire of getting exactly what they want. Like Pinocchio, Marco Rubio is one small wood-colored boy who wished to his lucky stars for his dream to become a real Bush family member and those wishes may yet come true. May 31, 2012. Make-A-Wish Monthly |
Mitt Romney Has A Birther Defect! Lord Romney afraid to go under the knife and remove cancerous talking tumor! Lord Mitt Romney is paralyzed with fear at the thought of offending or angering his lecherous alter ego and malignant billionaire sidekick and fundraiser. Trump continues to rant about Obama's birth certificate despite sounding ridiculous. Trump also said Anne Romney has a nice butt and a great pair of legs while looking down her blouse and pressing his face against her blonde hair. May 29, 2012. CONS.com |
Remember This On Memorial Day! Mitt Romney was a draft dodging coward! Romney evaded the draft by spending 30 months during the middle of the Vietnam war bicycling around France enjoying croissants and sleeping in a palatial Mormon-owned mansion in Paris with stained glass windows, chandeliers, an extensive art collection, a chef and a personal servant. It is unknown how many Mormons Mitt made but Mitt can now order fine food in perfect French while professing his great patriotism and love of the same American military he fled to France from in order to avoid military service. A blatant coward and extreme hypocrite, Mitt Romney did not return from France until it was certain he would not be drafted into military service. May 28, 2012. Le French Gourmet Gazetteer |
FOX News Names Lord Romney American Idol! Official GOP propaganda and utter bullshit network embraces Rupert Murdoch's new bitch. Lord Romney can't sing but he can tell bald faced lies as fast and as frequently as any FOX news personality and that pleases billionaires who maintain their power by keeping voters ignorant, making them red hot angry and then misdirecting their rage for the benefit and amusement of those same billionaires. Rupert Murdoch can't stop laughing about how goddam stupid television viewers are and he never tires of manipulating their little tiny brains in accordance with any whim that crosses his sick mind. All FOX news personalities and contributors owe their careers and paychecks to their ability to tell endless lies that boost ratings and amuse Rupert Murdoch. Lord Mitt Romney cannot get elected without the massive help of FOX news which further delights Murdoch to no end. May 26, 2012. Fox Fabulous Fables |
Romney Trained Other Dogs! Dog groomer claims Romney is serial bad habit dog trainer. Romney has said all along that dogs seem to enjoy riding on the roofs of moving vehicles. Now with these new revelations that there were several more dogs nobody is certain how many of Mitt Romney's dogs have gone airborne on the Interstate. A confidential unsigned affidavit from an anonymous dog groomer says she's never seen a family go through so many dogs. May 21, 2012. Daily Dog Groomer |
Romney "Can't Recall" Leading Gay Bashing Assault! Five witnesses verified that 18 year-old Romney was a homophobic bully who led a group of prep school thugs in forcibly holding down one student with dyed blond hair and hacking his hair off with scissors. The student was suspected of being gay. The incident would be prosecuted as a felony assault and battery if it occurred today but Lord Mitt Romney now laughs about it saying the he "can't recall" that assault and besides he was young and so he "apologized" if while 18 year-old men his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam he was a spoiled filthy rich bully boy involved in a few "stupid pranks" that are now considered felonies. May 20, 2012. read more |
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"Of Course, I'd Have Freed The Slaves! Even Jimmy Carter would've done that.
In a startling spasm of hubris Lord Mitt Romney continued his presumptuous delusional self-aggrandizement saying "Of Course" he'd have made the decision to go get Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and added "Of Course" he'd have won World War I, ended the Great Depression and dropped the bomb to end World War II. And finally with his best Reaganesque head turn and smile, "Of Course" he'd have told those Russians to tear down that wall. May 1, 2012 read more |
Lord Mitt Romney says "Of Course" He'd Have Crossed The Delaware! "Of Course" he'd have written the Declaration Of Independence and "Of Course" he'd have discovered electricity. Lord Mitt Romney said "Of Course" he'd have made the decision to go get Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and added "Of Course" he'd have made the Louisiana Purchase, invented the cotton gin and restored the Union after winning the Civil War. April 30, 2012 read more |
Mitt's A Hit! Romney breaks out in song after locking up nomination. Lord Mitt Romney now owns the Republican Party and to celebrate he joyfully ran through some of his favorite musical numbers from his favorite Broadway musical. His most trusted allies and leading contenders for the Vice Presidential nomination were honored to participate. Singing and dancing along with Lord Romney were Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Ohio Senator Rob Portman and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Romney performed like a man who can do it all. April 26, 2012. Show Time Weekly |
Hannity Gets Zimmerman And Huckabee Gigs With Ted Nugent Band! "Stand Your Ground" tour to begin this summer. Well known right-wing gun enthusiast, rock n' roll geezer and loudmouth dumbass clown, Ted Nugent, jammed with his new band mates and then told NRA convention members that next year he will either be dead or in jail, implying he will shoot President Obama like an animal if the American public doesn't vote the way Ted Nugent wants this fall. The Secret Service said they will interview Nugent about his near death threats against the President which could be considered illegal under federal law. A tone deaf Sean Hannity was on hand masturbating to Nugent's rock n' roll oldies while playing air guitar. April 18, 2012. Summer Rock Tour Update |
Don't Eat The Chocolate! Poisonous GOP budget plan offers more tax breaks for billionaires at the expense of seniors and poor people. The Republican budget plan is a despicable betrayal of American ideals. It amounts to institutionalized grand theft of taxpayer dollars to benefit billionaires who own the Republican party outright. All their traitorous billionaire minions called Republican legislators have sold their souls to be busboys and serving winches for the ruling billionaire elite and it should make you sick. Democracy in America has never been so close to death as the wealthy are now in charge of deciding what is right and wrong and the American people get no more respect than insects. Many folks now just want to say Fuck You GOP, your members of Congress are evil cowards. March 30, 2012. Armageddon Comics |
Supreme Death Panel U.S. Supreme Court prepares to impose death sentence on millions of uninsured sick people with pre-existing conditions. "Welfare of the people" has been deemed irrelevant in this unprecedented power grab by conservative right wing Republican justices. If these conservatives justices in the Supreme Court overturn a law passed by Congress for the first time in 75 years the result will be what Sarah Palin called a Federal Government Death Panel. She predicted it would be composed of bureaucrats appointed by Obama but she was wrong. The Supreme Court is about to sentence millions of people to financial ruin and death over a disputed point of Constitutional law. The five conservative right wing Republican justices, which include Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito and Roberts will have the blood of millions of Americans on their hands and will likely burn in hell for all eternity. March 29, 2012. Armageddon Comics |
Supreme Court Mulls Superpowers! It's life or death for Obamacare as Supreme Court considers biggest Justice Branch power grab in U.S. history. 80 years of legislation based on the Commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution is at risk. Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, environmental protections, auto safety and fuel statndards could all be overturned if the Court decides Congress has exceeded it's authority by regulating interstate commerce. Until this legal strategy recently became a means for the right wing to attack Obamacare the concept had rarely even been considered because it is extreme and radical judicial activism on steroids. If Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional new lawsuits on old previously settled subjects will be filed by the thousands. March 27, 2012. Supereme Ego Comics |
Romney Connects In Land Of Lincolns! Wealthy Republicans from Chicago and suburbs support Romney. Romney has said he not only wants to keep the budget-busting Bush tax cuts, he wants another 20% tax cut for the wealthiest of the wealthy. Not surprisingly Romney is the overwhelming favorite of Republican billionaires, millionaires and wanna be millionaires almost everywhere greed runs rampant. Romney's simple message of more money for the wealthy is easy to grasp. Meanwhile Mitt's rival, Rick Santorum, is wandering in the weeds downstate trying to sell his personal definition of a Christian God that is very angry at women and contraception. March 20, 2012. Lincoln Limo Leader |
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Hey Jackass, stop using our music on your racist, misogynist, right wing clown show! RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE |
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![]() DAILY RACING RAG EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORTS! If everybody else had these exclusive special reports they wouldn't be exclusive or special. |
Michele Bachmann Haley Barbour John Boehner Mike Bloomberg John Bolton Herman Cain Eric Cantor Chris Christie Mitch Daniels Newt Gingrich Mike Huckabee |
Jon Huntsman Bobby Jindal Gary Johnson Rush Limbaugh John McCain Mitch McConnell Grover Norquist President Barack Obama Sarah Palin Tim Pawlenty Rand Paul |
Ron Paul Mike Pence Rick Perry Harry Reid Mitt Romney Marco Rubio Paul Ryan Rick Santorum John Thune Donald Trump U.S.Supreme Court |